Tuesday, December 11, 2012

100 Days of Rejection Therapy-Weighing The Risk and Reward

I came across an interesting article on Forbes website, that pertains to every human being. The article discusses mental fear of failure. The article is entitled Meet The Entrepreneur Who Eats Rejection For Breakfast by Maureen Henderson, and explains how Jia Jiang tries to get over his fear of rejection. He goes to different stores and ask obscure questions to the employees. He asks questions that are expected to get turned down. Such as the one in the video below. The purpose of  this is to try to eliminate his fear of failure. He goes to different places to get rejected, he calls it his “100 days of rejection therapy”. During this it was essential for Jia to get over his fear of failure, because he was in the process of starting his own business and making pitches to investors. Fear of failure can stop people from moving forward and often the risk is little, and does not add up to the reward. In the business world and in real life people always  stress the importance of taking into account the risk and reward of their actions. But because we are human we sometimes get caught up in the emotion of the scenario. All most all humans relate the word of fear to a negative connotation. In some cultures like in China, where Jia Jiang is from, it is frowned upon to fail. Society portrays failure as wrong, but it all depends on the scenario. 

Overcoming Mental Fear Proves to Become more Important in Becoming Successful
Fear that can conflict physical harm on someone is different from mental fear. Often people would rather get rid of their physical fear before they get rid of their mental fear. Despite physical fear having less of a reward and more of a risk. Physical fear is healthy and mental fear is not. Physical fear for example, could be skydiving or hunting. On the other hand mental fear is all in the mind. Mental fear for example, is asking someone on a date or talking to important investors. Mental fear of failure is an illusion, that every person faces. Fear of failure keeps people from moving forward. Being aggressive and learning from your mistakes will only keep you on the right track to success. Mental fear is essential to get over and often has a big reward but little to no risk involved. Things like calling an old friend up for their opinion on a business idea or asking someone for a job have little to no risk. Yet people are still paralyzed with fear. People in general and entrepreneurs especially must overcome the fear of failure. Entrepreneurs must have a clear vision and not let anything get in the way of their goals. This is why is it essential for entrepreneurs to genuinely have a passion for their idea or product. Mental fear of failure, that has little to know risk and potentially a huge reward is essentially dead weight. It is natural for all people to be afraid of this kind of fear, but it is essential to be proactive about it. Mental exercises and physical exercises can prove very helpful in overcoming fear of failure, as Jia Jiang explains,“I will be a much better communicator and negotiator. It’s already successful because I have improved so much,” 
Risk management is all about weighing the risk vs the reward. In stocks people are always trying to buy the stock with the lowest risk and highest reward. On the other hand in real life when there is a clear reward and no risk, people mentally can no get over their fears, and this gets in the way of their goals.

Article I am referring to:

Monday, December 10, 2012

Creating Culture of Innovation Reflection

 "Entrepreneurship is the only thing America has left separating it from the rest of the world economically."

Becoming an Entrepreneur
Going into Clark University I had no clue what classes I was going to take, but one subject that always interested me was entrepreneurship. This is why Babson college was my dream school, but unfortunately I got denied there. Every time I tell my Dad I want to major in entrepreneurship, he puts down the idea. He says I am better off with a more technical major, like computer science, he thinks entrepreneurship, management, and economics are too “general” of a major. From his knowledge from working with fidelity investments for five years, he said that “people need a way to get themselves in the door of a company, no one is going to hire you to be a manager right out of college.” As the years past I could see more and more where he was coming from. Maybe I needed to specialize in a certain field and narrow my interest down as much as possible.

During my senior year of high school I thought to myself what separates my me from all the other people striving to create an innovation or business. I was starting to question if I could make my innovations become a reality. This was a depressing realization for me, growing up I always wanted to own my own business. Throughout high school I noticed that my friends were narrowing down their interest. For example, some wanted to become engineers or go into the medical field, I had no interested in jobs like that. I believe that people should do what they like doing and have a passion for. That's why I am puzzled when people say they want to become a dentist for example. Are they in it for the high paid salary? Or do they really enjoy teeth? My expectations for myself have always been limitless. I did not want to limit myself to one field.

There is a quote by Les Brown that states, “Help others achieve their dreams and you will achieve yours.” I tend to disagree with this quote and agree with this quote by Tony Gaskins a bit more, it reads, “If you don’t build your dream, someone will hire you to help you build theirs.” As I thought about this statement I pondered through a lot of questions such as, what am I working towards? If I stay on the same path I am on where will I be in five years, ten years, and even twenty years? I realized unlike a lot of my friends I did not have a specific dream in mind. Almost all my friends narrowed their interest down and we're now focusing on their goals for the future. Some wanted to become engineers, others wanted to go into the medical field. Careers like doctors, dentist, and other jobs that will always need people working in the field were “safe jobs” in my opinion. Not only did I not have interest in jobs like those. They did not fit my personality. I am a risk taker. I do not want to work for anyone. I want to change something.

"Entrepreneurship is about three key virtues that are almost impossible to teach: passion, courage, and work ethic"

Creating Culture of Innovation (ENT 105)
I decided on which classes to take for college. I took all required classes that filled a perspective, and for my first year intensive class I took Creating Culture an Innovation (entrepreneurship class). The first class rolled around and I was curious as to what I would learn in the class. Unlike almost all classes, where students take in information, entrepreneurship is an unique class, because there is no set formula on how to become a successful entrepreneur.

Despite this fact, I learned more than I could have imagined in the class about design, managing, creativity, research, and most importantly I learned the steps people have to take to start their idea or innovation. By taking Creating Culture of Innovation I have a clearer vision of my future. The books and articles I read throughout the class helped me better understand the business world, and the detailed steps entrepreneurs have to take make their innovation, idea, or business become a reality. The information I learned in class proved to be very useful in the final project.

How I was able to Apply the Material Learned in Class to my Innovation
The final project was to think of a business or innovation and try to make it become a reality. I thought of a new innovative tee last summer, and used that idea for my final project. I called it The Perfect Tee. Last summer I thought of the idea but I had no clue how to make the innovation become a reality. Things such as, researching the size of the market, getting feedback, recognizing your target market, and writing a detailed business plan prove very important when starting an innovation or idea.The material I read in class and the assignments helped me and my partner Christian better execute the business. One thing in particular we did was gain feedback for The Perfect Tee. Through this feedback we were better understand our target market and it also helped us improve on our design. One book that was very useful was the Business Model Generation. This book introduced me to the business model canvas, which explains the more detailed parts of a business that people must consider. For the final part of the project we had the write a mini business plan and present our idea to the class in a persuasive manner. While writing the mini business, I was able to do more in depth research on the target market, the golf equipment market, and the golf tee market. I discovered such things as how much golfers spend on golf tees compared to other golf equipment and golf's popularity is increasing internationally. Through the information we found we narrowed down our target market, and took a pivot with our marketing strategy.

Target Market
First of all we discovered that golf will be a sport in the 2016 Olympics. Also that there are more internationally golfers highly ranked in the golf world rankings, than ever before. Also as a result of the Tiger Woods scandal golf is becoming less popular among American golfers. All the information about the popularity of golf world wide we gained, pointed to a growing market internationally. Instead of targeting amature American golfers we were now targeting international amature golfers who are from or currently live in one of the countries that will be competing in golf as part of the 2016 Olympics.

Marketing Strategy
From our research and the research we found online, we were able to come to the conclusion that golfers do not recognize the importance of a quality golf tee. Golfers are more concerned with their golf clubs, golf balls, and their overall appearance. After discovering this, we concluded that we would take more of a inbound marketing approach. In other words we would let the customers come to us. We would do this by explaining how a The Perfect Tee will dramatically effect your game. If we were to get funding for our idea we would use our money to scientifically prove that The Perfect Tee will increase a golfers accuracy and distance. We would do this by using analysis of the golf balls spin, and use slow motion cameras to show the balls spin as it leaves the tee. Additionally, from our research we found out about our target market, we came to the conclusion that we would try to get a semi pro international golf to use our tee. We would try our best to convince him that The Perfect Tee is the most effective type of tee. The golfer would then use it in televised tournaments.

Clark does not offer entrepreneurship as a major, despite this I will take as many entrepreneurship classes as possible. The course Creating Culture of Innovation helped me confirm my interest in entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is an unique topic that in my opinion interest specific people. The reason I think entrepreneurship interest me so much, is because I am not “book smart” and I am more of a good thinker. I am creative. I understand people well and realize their interests. Learning about entrepreneurship does not guarantee a job in the future. The sky is limitless with entrepreneurship and that appeals to me. Although I soon found out that learning about fundamental information about entrepreneurship will help me persist, pivot, or perish with my initial idea. The material I learned helped me better understand the competitive side of the business world. In addition, I am now able to better understand the process it takes to introduce my innovations and ideas to the business world. On the social side of entrepreneurship I learned that coming up with an idea or innovation is only one part of the process. Entrepreneurs must learn that peoples perception of their idea and or business is also essential to their success. I learned a lot in Creating Culture and Innovation, and came to realize that creativity and hard work can not be taught. In other words  entrepreneurship  in the end is hard to teach. Although I learned it is very important to learn as much as possible in business. I expect to innovative more and find more ideas that I am passionate about in the future. And when I do discover an idea or when I find a problem that I want to genuinely solve, I will be use the techniques and material I learned in ENT 105 to guide me. I am now able to research the right information that relates to my innovation or idea. Looking into the future I want continue with my innovation of The Perfect Tee. Even if the innovation fails, I realize that the experience would prove to be valuable in my future endeavours. Going forward, I am excited and curious as to what I will be learning in other  entrepreneurship courses.  

Work cited

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

$100 Laptop-Response-Americas Profound Impact on The Rest of The World

As an assignment for entrepreneurship class our class was told to read the Harvard Business article Marketing the “$100 Laptop” (A) for a class discussion. The article explains how Nicholas Negroponte,  the founder and Chairman of Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Media Lab, came up with an idea in 2002 to supply children in developing countries with a laptop (1). The idea soon became a nonprofit organization called One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) (1). He planned to sell the laptops to developing countries at only $100 each, thus the of the article Marketing the “$100 Laptop”

Education is The Key to Success 
After reading the article I was able to make connections to the information I was learning in entrepreneurship and also the information I was learning in economics and world economy. The article made me think about globalization and Americas impact on the rest of the world. One thing I recently learned in economics is the convergence hypothesis theory. The  “$100 Laptop” article is a perfect example of the convergence hypothesis theory. The theory explains that poorer economies per capita incomes will tend to grow at faster rates than richer economies and that there GDP will tend to get closer over time rather than separate. In other words America’s GDP and third world countries GDP will always be close to each other. Simply because countries trade and communicate. New technology in America will eventually get to developing countries, like the “$100 Laptop”, America has had the advantage of the internet for decades now but in 2002 Nicholas Negroponte, came up with an idea to introduce it to developing countries. The “$100 Laptop” is also an example of globalization, which is to bring world economies closer to one another. This also made me think of Americas influence on the rest of the world. Some say that America is helping the rest of the world by innovating and providing countries with needed living necessities and technology. On the other hand other some people believe that America’s innovations and strong economy come at the expenses of developing countries. In other words America is stepping on other countries and is the superpower of the world, and the distribution of power should be more spread out. With new discoveries in technology improving communication like the internet, the distribution of power and quality of living should be more spread out. Phones and the internet have been in America for decades now, but just in this last decade they are starting to make there way to developing countries. American private companies donate a lot of money to third world countries, but they need be innovative and create innovations in education to help these developing countries in the long run.

Above is a picture of the $100 Laptop 

Is America Afraid of Globalization?
Americans standard of living are dramatically higher than almost every other country. Even the poorest people in America are still wealthy compared to the rest of the world. Despite this America donates and provides new medicines to developing countries all the time, but that is not going to help these countries in the long run. Nicholas Negroponte’s “ $100 Laptop” idea will help developing countries in the long run. These laptops provide internet, and the internet has all the information anyone could possibly need. With these laptops citizens in developing countries will be able to educate themselves, and create innovative ideas for their own country. And as a result produce a higher standard of living for themselves. Rich Americans are always donating large amounts of money to causes like clean water, aids, and other needs. But I think these other countries problems will be solved quicker, if America made an effort to help developing countries educate themselves, and I think this is possible now with the internet. In turn this will create a better standard of living for everyone, not just Americans. Instead of America providing third world countries with new technology and consuming the third world country's resources, these less fortunate countries will be able to provide the U.S. with new innovations in technology. The poorest Americans make around $6700 a year while a quarter of the population in India lives on $1.00 a day (2). Americans are extremely fortunate, and in turn donate to other countries but they need to donate to the right cause. Education is the obvious solution to these developing countries problems yet America feels they help them enough by providing medicine and basic necessities. Maybe America is spoiled and wants all the power to themselves, and is afraid that a higher standard in living in other countries will lower theirs. But in reality this is not true globalization is a positive thing for the world, and benefits the whole world. Technology is improving innovations in communication, with this in mind there should be more exchanging of technology through different countries, but instead there remains a huge gap between the standard of living and quality of life between the United States and most other countries.

Works Cited
1. Quelch, John A. "Marketing the “$100 Laptop” (A)." Harvard Business. N.p., 28 Sept. 2008. Web.2."The Haves and the Have-Nots." Economix The Haves and the HaveNots Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Nov. 2012. <http://economix.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/01/31/the-haves-and-the-have-nots/>.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Presenting Oneself a Certain Way

Presenting Your Business in an Appropriate Manner Online
For entrepreneurship class Professor Worthington asked the students to pick either an innovation or an innovator, and write a ten page report on the innovator or innovation. My original choice was Steve Jobs, but professor Worthington persuade me into picking my Grandfather’s business,I  was glad she did  At first I was afraid I would not be able to get enough information on my Grandfather’s small self run business. I soon found out that there was so much to write about. My Grandfather has taught me a abundance of life lessons. But talking to him for hours about his personal life and business made me really appreciate his hard work.  I learned a lot about my Grandfather and how he was able to become successful threw his experiences in the construction business. I learned that experience and knowing the market and industry inside and out is very important when trying to sell a product. Additionally I learned that at some point you have to take risks, and regardless of the outcome you must learn and move on from those experiences. In my Grandfather’s case he had to spend money to make money.

Subtle Things My Grandfather does to Portray Himself and His Business in a Professional Manner
While gaining information on my Grandfather’s business I soon noticed he is always very professional, and he has always stressed to me the importance of neatness and presenting oneself in an appropriate manner. Not only in a business scenario, but also wherever you are you should present yourself in a respectful and professional way. My Grandfather does subtle things to in order to create a professional image for himself and his business. First his name of his company is very DP Engineering, Inc. He was able to call it this because of his engineering degree. The Engineering part makes it seem like he knows what he is doing, and has experience in engineering. Additionally when he takes a business call he will always say DP Engineering. Acting professional and portraying a positive image of yourself to others is paramount both in real life and especially in the business world.

After reading Creating a Positive Professional Image
 by Mallory Stark it got me thinking how I can change my own image. In the article Mallory interviews   Laura Morgan Roberts, a Harvard business professor, Laura stresses the importance of presenting yourself, she claims”  you must realize that if you aren't managing your own professional image, someone else is.” She stresses the importance of how others perceive you. She asks the reader how do you want others to perceive you as. She mentions you must monitor others perception of you. I agree with her that people must manage their image. But I think she stresses that people should worry about other perception of them too much. I agree people should act professional, but they should also try to be as authentic as possible. People should not make other people think differently about them if thats not how they truly act. There needs to be a mixture of acting professional and authenticity.

Small Things I can Do That Will Help my Image
After reading Creating a Positive Professional Image, doing research on Dale Carnegie and his book How to win friends and influence people, and finally doing research on my Grandfathers business all within a month. I discovered I can do a lot more to both act more professional and mature, and clean up my appearance. The first thing that came mind is my physical appearance. I can present myself better by dressing nicer in school, ex. jeans instead of sweatpants. It does not have to be physical altercation to give off a professional vibe to someone. It can be subtle. I noticed in my papers recently that I have not been putting the correct format, and sometimes forgot to staple the paper. This can give off a a vibe to a teacher, showing that you are lazy. I thought to myself there should be no reason I should present my self as lazy. Because I put in a lot of hard work in my papers, so I want to show that by completing the task, in handing in the paper with the proper formating. Overall I know now that I need to work on both presenting my self physically in a appropriate manner, and also presenting my school work in an appropriate manner.

Creating a Positive Professional Image by Mallory Stark
Link: http://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/4860.html

Monday, October 29, 2012

Innovation in Education

Innovations in Technology can Help Prospective Students Attend the Right School

The Harvard business article "The Social Network - College Edition" by Tom Dretler, addresses the fact that one out of three college students will transfer at some point in their college career. Tom explains that universities and colleges in the U.S. need to to use technology to give perceptive students an accurate feel and description of what they can expect from the school, and the area around the school. Tom explains the disconnect between what the potential student think the college or university is like, and what it is actually is like. He explains that M.I.T. and Boston University are being proactive in providing blogs written by students you can view, and games you can play to get a better feel of the school and its surroundings.

Boston University has an array of student and faculty videos for prospective students.

Boston university has informed videos on their site, where you can see Boston University students unbiased opinion about their school. They also have all kinds of videos of students, professors, and alumni talking about athletics, faculty, internships, dining, housing, and many other aspects of the school. They even provide current students typical weekly schedule. Boston university site is different from other universities admission sites, because it is so interactive. The site does not just provide statics or facts about the school. They go in depth about the city life in Boston, and the student life at the school. They do not just talk about the general features, for example, the video below is of BU students, giving tips and opinions on fashion at BU.

Check the Boston University admissions site for yourself 

Massachusetts Institute of Technology has student and faculty write blogs, about what ever is on their minds. 

M.I.T. is also a step ahead of other schools in my opinion; in helping potential students out if their school is right for them. Similarly to Boston Universities student interaction videos, M.I.T. also has this but in blog form. But rather than talking about one specific thing about the school,  M.I.T. students and faculty are paid to talk about anything they want. Students and faculty blog about anything, from eating to much nutella to how they spend their friday nights. I find this blog very innovative, because students faculty are able to write about anything they would like. Unlike other schools where students will only talk about the school itself, and its surroundings, when students and faculty are able to write freely you get their unbiased opinion. Also you hear about things that you would not be able to hear about on a tour, or just through looking at videos or information about the school. For example one student blogged about how a lot of students enjoy this new song called gangnam style, and students all over campus are starting to dance to it.

Check out M.I.T.'s student written blogs

Overall both of these schools have been and need to be very innovative in providing a sense of the atmosphere at and around the school. Because both of these well known schools attract students from all over the world, and some are unable to tour the school in person.

Pick your location wisely.

Picking the right college is debatable the most important decision in your life. Not only will you be attending the college for four years, but there is a good chance you will be starting a family and spending the rest of your live in the same general area where your college is located.

On sites like college board, for example you can view general information about the school like, the size of the school,  the majors,  the location, the tuition, required GPA and standard testing scores, tuition etc. Depending on your GPA and standardize testing scores, you will have choose of location, do you want to be close to home, or do you want to travel.  If you want to attend college far away it might be hard to visit the college, depending on your circumstances.

This is where potential students need to relay on the internet to get all their information about a school they can no visit in person. school, but the problem is so many kids are transferring, and their exceptions of the school are different from what the school is really like. This article explains that there should be more innovations online, giving more details about the school and the area the school is in. I agree with this author, that there should be more resources available online to give you more of an in depth feel of how the college really is. Especially for well known schools that have kid traveling from all around the world to go to schools like Harvard, Boston University, Stanford and Texas University, just to name a few. I think in the near future people will start to attempt  to make websites similar to college board, but more interactive with the current students and faculty at the school talking to the prospective students more directly through video chat. As oppose to just viewing pre made video tours about the college.

Below is a video by Boston University, about freshman just arriving at the BU.

Clark University

I am currently attending Clark university in Worcester Massachusetts. Because I only live a hour away from Clark I was able to visit the school multiple times. I knew just about everything I needed to know about the school, but the main concern I had with the school was if I was going to get along with the students there, which I think a lot of people are concerned with. You can visit the school and take a tour a see the kids in the school, but except doing that there is not really anyway you can tell if you will get along with the kids there. Clark is such a well known school people travel all around the world to attend, in fact fifteen percent of the students here are international. This makes it hard for students to visit from far away places, so they need to relay on resources online to learn more about the school. Clark university has many videos online of students explaining what the school is like, but the problem is a kid from Texas but be giving his opinion of this school, and his opinion might be different from a kid from Chinas prospective of the school.

Improving Clark Universities admissions site, by matching current students with prospective students based on their hometowns. 

One thing I would do to improve Clarks admission site is connect current students and prospective students based on where they lived for the majority of their life. For example, if a prospective student is thinking about attending Clark form California, then they will connect with a current student at Clark that is originally from California. This way they can share their similar experiences, and the current student can tell the prospective student what the differences and similarities between Massachusetts and California. They can talk about weather, the type of people in both places, overall atmosphere of the state, and many other things. I would suggest they can chat by video, or online chatting. Since commutation through online video is becoming more popular, I would suggest having multiple prospective students all video chat with the current student at Clark at the same time. I would also connect potential transfer students to Clark and students who are currently at Clark that transfered there. Overall I would connect more current students with prospective students through live communication.

Clark Universities admissions site

Link to the article I am referring to- "The Social Network - College Edition" by Tom Dretler

Sunday, October 28, 2012

New Innovative Golf Tee


The golf industry is growing.
The golf industry is over a 75 billion dollar industry. The golf industry is bigger then all of these industries: motion picture and video, spectator sports and news paper industry. Over 28 million people play golf, in America alone, and the industry will only get bigger."By 2016, the US golf course revenues will grow at a CAGR 3.75% led by positive growth in golf facilities and operations" (marketresearch.com).

Golf is a Competitive sport.
The few times I played golf, I found it extremely competitive. Even though you may only hear of golf tournaments like the PGA tour, there are thousands of golfers competing in smaller tournaments across America, in hopes of making to the professional level one day.

The equipment you use in golf we effect your performance.
 Like any competitive sport, athletes want the top of the line equipment to to maximize their performance. In golf I think the equipment the golfer uses is extremely important, Unlike other sports like basketball or football where for the most part everyones equipment is the same, and the sport provides the football so to speak. But in golf everyones equipment is different. You will see a dramatic difference in your performance if for example, you use a low end golf club compared to a high end golf club. Since golf is so competitive everyone wants the top of the line equipment; to get an edge on their competition.

The golf tee is a important factor that golfers sometimes ignore. 
The type of golf tee and the way you place your golf tee in the ground, has a huge impact, on the direction and distance of your ball. For example if your golf tee if slightly titled left then the ball will most likely not go in a straight direct. If your golf tee is slanted forward your golf ball will mostly like not travel as far as your were hoping. 

The problem with the traditional golf tee is it does not have a strong base. 
The traditional golf tee has just one stake in the ground, and the golf ball is barely balancing on the top of the tee. If there is wind for example the ball might slightly move in certain direction, with out the golfer noticing. Since the traditional golf tee only has one stake, the one stake could be loose in the ground, for example if the ground is wet the golf tee will be loose. This effects the shock of the ball in your swing, and therefor in will affect how far the ball travels. 

The solution. 
I came up with a solution for perfecting the tee. With my Perfect Tee (name is tentative), you will increase your distance and accuracy. The solution is simple, put more stakes in the ground, which will make the tee more sturdy, and therefor tee will not be affected by the weather. It will stay in place improving your shots accuracy. The Perfect Tee will have four stakes in the ground, as oppose to the conventional tee, which only has one stake. 

The second advantage The Perfect Tee has is its absorption of the shock. With the conventional tee there is only one stack in the ground making it less stable, and it prone to move around especially on wet grass. As I stated if the tee moves even a little, so little you do not even notice, it can affect your shot by many feet in a certain direction. With The Perfect Tee the tee will have four stakes in the ground, which will keep the tee in place, and therefor will keep the ball in place.  

A good analogy to The Perfect Tee and the conventional tee would be like building a bridge. The builders want the bridge to be as stable as possible, so the bridge does not move due to weather. And if the bridge does not move either will the car on the bridge. But imagine the car has too travel in a straight line across the bridge, even the slightest movement, in the right or left direction, will affect the cars performance. You can apply the same concept to a golf tee. 

The slightest move of the ball can effect your shot. The Perfect Tee is more stable making your shot travel further and increasing your accuracy.


Monday, October 22, 2012

My Grandfather's Business

                                    Poly Hangers

Threw out my child hood, I got to see my Grandfather's self run business evolve and gain more and more business. My Grandfather has a pattern on a innovation he created, that he named poly hangers. The name is self explanatory. Poly is used at construction sites to stop dust and dangerous chemicals from spreading into other parts of the construction site. Poly hangers hang poly at construction sites, without damaging the walls you are hanging them on. An alternative to poly hangers would be to use staples or duck tape, but as you those things but cause damage to the wall. As you can see from the pictures below poly hangers do no harm to the walls. They simply are adjusted around them. 

My Grandmother

There are four different poly hangers my Grandfather sells. Each hanger has their own benefit, For example hanger number one Supports one or more layers of poly in front of walls. And hanger number four Supports poly from roof joists, pipes, and other building components. 

Poly-Hanger 1 - $125/Box of 100

Poly-Hanger 2 - $135/Box of 100

Poly-Hanger 3 - $285/Box of 100


Poly-Hanger 4 - $265/Box of 100


One new product my Grandfather added is the leak diverter kit. The Kit "Diverts roof and other leaks to an out of the way location to avoid creating dangerous wet floor conditions and to avoid disrupting customers and business operations."
Leak Diverter Kit - $250

My Grandfather sells about 50 percent of his products to distribution companies, who  order in bulk different products in the construction category. They then market them and sell them to different construction companies. 

International Customers
At first my Grandfather was hesitate to ship internationally. Because of the risk of the product being copied. As his sales grew, and with the internet and communication evolving, he decided to look in to it. He got in contact with a guy from France who was interesting in buying in bulk. They talked over the phone and my Grandfather was able to sign a contract with him. Currently about half of my Grandfather's sales are shipped to France. Also he made an option so people can view his website in French.

Marketing and Future Plans 
As my Grandfather's company grew so did his market expenses.  As of the past couple of years, he spent thousands of dollars each year making flyers to promote his products. That he puts in the package with the hangers, he also hands them to manufacturing companies where they give the flyers to construction companies. As of now he does not do any online marketing. As of now I am not sure if my Grandfather has future plans or if he is just not telling me them. But I do know that there is no need to change if you do not have to. My Grandfather told me his business is gradually gaining more profits each year, and if Mitt Romney becomes president my Grandfather told me his profits will be even higher. 

For more information please visit my Grandfather's site at 