Monday, December 10, 2012

Creating Culture of Innovation Reflection

 "Entrepreneurship is the only thing America has left separating it from the rest of the world economically."

Becoming an Entrepreneur
Going into Clark University I had no clue what classes I was going to take, but one subject that always interested me was entrepreneurship. This is why Babson college was my dream school, but unfortunately I got denied there. Every time I tell my Dad I want to major in entrepreneurship, he puts down the idea. He says I am better off with a more technical major, like computer science, he thinks entrepreneurship, management, and economics are too “general” of a major. From his knowledge from working with fidelity investments for five years, he said that “people need a way to get themselves in the door of a company, no one is going to hire you to be a manager right out of college.” As the years past I could see more and more where he was coming from. Maybe I needed to specialize in a certain field and narrow my interest down as much as possible.

During my senior year of high school I thought to myself what separates my me from all the other people striving to create an innovation or business. I was starting to question if I could make my innovations become a reality. This was a depressing realization for me, growing up I always wanted to own my own business. Throughout high school I noticed that my friends were narrowing down their interest. For example, some wanted to become engineers or go into the medical field, I had no interested in jobs like that. I believe that people should do what they like doing and have a passion for. That's why I am puzzled when people say they want to become a dentist for example. Are they in it for the high paid salary? Or do they really enjoy teeth? My expectations for myself have always been limitless. I did not want to limit myself to one field.

There is a quote by Les Brown that states, “Help others achieve their dreams and you will achieve yours.” I tend to disagree with this quote and agree with this quote by Tony Gaskins a bit more, it reads, “If you don’t build your dream, someone will hire you to help you build theirs.” As I thought about this statement I pondered through a lot of questions such as, what am I working towards? If I stay on the same path I am on where will I be in five years, ten years, and even twenty years? I realized unlike a lot of my friends I did not have a specific dream in mind. Almost all my friends narrowed their interest down and we're now focusing on their goals for the future. Some wanted to become engineers, others wanted to go into the medical field. Careers like doctors, dentist, and other jobs that will always need people working in the field were “safe jobs” in my opinion. Not only did I not have interest in jobs like those. They did not fit my personality. I am a risk taker. I do not want to work for anyone. I want to change something.

"Entrepreneurship is about three key virtues that are almost impossible to teach: passion, courage, and work ethic"

Creating Culture of Innovation (ENT 105)
I decided on which classes to take for college. I took all required classes that filled a perspective, and for my first year intensive class I took Creating Culture an Innovation (entrepreneurship class). The first class rolled around and I was curious as to what I would learn in the class. Unlike almost all classes, where students take in information, entrepreneurship is an unique class, because there is no set formula on how to become a successful entrepreneur.

Despite this fact, I learned more than I could have imagined in the class about design, managing, creativity, research, and most importantly I learned the steps people have to take to start their idea or innovation. By taking Creating Culture of Innovation I have a clearer vision of my future. The books and articles I read throughout the class helped me better understand the business world, and the detailed steps entrepreneurs have to take make their innovation, idea, or business become a reality. The information I learned in class proved to be very useful in the final project.

How I was able to Apply the Material Learned in Class to my Innovation
The final project was to think of a business or innovation and try to make it become a reality. I thought of a new innovative tee last summer, and used that idea for my final project. I called it The Perfect Tee. Last summer I thought of the idea but I had no clue how to make the innovation become a reality. Things such as, researching the size of the market, getting feedback, recognizing your target market, and writing a detailed business plan prove very important when starting an innovation or idea.The material I read in class and the assignments helped me and my partner Christian better execute the business. One thing in particular we did was gain feedback for The Perfect Tee. Through this feedback we were better understand our target market and it also helped us improve on our design. One book that was very useful was the Business Model Generation. This book introduced me to the business model canvas, which explains the more detailed parts of a business that people must consider. For the final part of the project we had the write a mini business plan and present our idea to the class in a persuasive manner. While writing the mini business, I was able to do more in depth research on the target market, the golf equipment market, and the golf tee market. I discovered such things as how much golfers spend on golf tees compared to other golf equipment and golf's popularity is increasing internationally. Through the information we found we narrowed down our target market, and took a pivot with our marketing strategy.

Target Market
First of all we discovered that golf will be a sport in the 2016 Olympics. Also that there are more internationally golfers highly ranked in the golf world rankings, than ever before. Also as a result of the Tiger Woods scandal golf is becoming less popular among American golfers. All the information about the popularity of golf world wide we gained, pointed to a growing market internationally. Instead of targeting amature American golfers we were now targeting international amature golfers who are from or currently live in one of the countries that will be competing in golf as part of the 2016 Olympics.

Marketing Strategy
From our research and the research we found online, we were able to come to the conclusion that golfers do not recognize the importance of a quality golf tee. Golfers are more concerned with their golf clubs, golf balls, and their overall appearance. After discovering this, we concluded that we would take more of a inbound marketing approach. In other words we would let the customers come to us. We would do this by explaining how a The Perfect Tee will dramatically effect your game. If we were to get funding for our idea we would use our money to scientifically prove that The Perfect Tee will increase a golfers accuracy and distance. We would do this by using analysis of the golf balls spin, and use slow motion cameras to show the balls spin as it leaves the tee. Additionally, from our research we found out about our target market, we came to the conclusion that we would try to get a semi pro international golf to use our tee. We would try our best to convince him that The Perfect Tee is the most effective type of tee. The golfer would then use it in televised tournaments.

Clark does not offer entrepreneurship as a major, despite this I will take as many entrepreneurship classes as possible. The course Creating Culture of Innovation helped me confirm my interest in entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is an unique topic that in my opinion interest specific people. The reason I think entrepreneurship interest me so much, is because I am not “book smart” and I am more of a good thinker. I am creative. I understand people well and realize their interests. Learning about entrepreneurship does not guarantee a job in the future. The sky is limitless with entrepreneurship and that appeals to me. Although I soon found out that learning about fundamental information about entrepreneurship will help me persist, pivot, or perish with my initial idea. The material I learned helped me better understand the competitive side of the business world. In addition, I am now able to better understand the process it takes to introduce my innovations and ideas to the business world. On the social side of entrepreneurship I learned that coming up with an idea or innovation is only one part of the process. Entrepreneurs must learn that peoples perception of their idea and or business is also essential to their success. I learned a lot in Creating Culture and Innovation, and came to realize that creativity and hard work can not be taught. In other words  entrepreneurship  in the end is hard to teach. Although I learned it is very important to learn as much as possible in business. I expect to innovative more and find more ideas that I am passionate about in the future. And when I do discover an idea or when I find a problem that I want to genuinely solve, I will be use the techniques and material I learned in ENT 105 to guide me. I am now able to research the right information that relates to my innovation or idea. Looking into the future I want continue with my innovation of The Perfect Tee. Even if the innovation fails, I realize that the experience would prove to be valuable in my future endeavours. Going forward, I am excited and curious as to what I will be learning in other  entrepreneurship courses.  

Work cited

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